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Space Heater

Space Heating

The Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 811/2013 refers to space heaters and combination heaters with a rated heat output ≤ 70 kW, packages of space heater ≤ 70 kW, temperature control and solar device and packages of combination heater ≤ 70 kW, temperature control and solar device.

All those products using energy have to be labelled (e.g. a boiler), whilst others that do not use primary energy but do have an influence on the system efficiency (e.g. a solar collector or controller) are only issued with a data sheet.

Individual products:

Individual ProductLabelOnly data sheet
Space heater with a rated heat output ≤ 70kW;X
Electric space heaterX
Heat pump space heater;X
Heat pump space heaters with fuel driven combustion unitX
Hot water storage tanks with a volume ≤ 500 lX
Solar collectorX
Combined systems for hot water and space heatingX

Products that provide space heating and hot water are called combi systems.

Note: solar devices, according to the relevant definitions in the Regulations, are made of a solar collector, a solar hot water storage tank or a pump in the collector loop. This means that a solar device always contains a solar collector. These systems are, individually, not to be labelled, as these are not energy consuming products. On the other hand, thermosiphon systems may require individual (product) labelling.

Packages of space heating devices

Individual heating devices can be compiled into packages. For example a boiler for space heating can be combined with a temperature controller, solar collector, and a storage tank. For more information see here.

Note: Regarding heat pumps, heaters designed for using gaseous or liquid fuels from biomass are excluded. A specific legislation covering these equipment’s will be issued. Other pieces of legislation, such as the Gas Appliances Directive might apply to them as far as appliances burning gaseous fuels are concerned.
