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Calculate the label

Calculate the label

Please read the disclaimer

Information regarding the calculation for solar devices


The use of this calculation tool is free. Users are welcomed to provide feedback about the tool to the Labelpack A+ consortium. This feedback can be sent by e-mail to info(at)estif.org

The use of this calculation tool is free.

Professionals using the tool are responsible for the use they make of the calculation provided or of the energy label for packages and fiche generated with this tool.

General users must confirm the results of the calculation with professionals specialized in the installation of heating systems.

This online tool has been developed by the Labelpack A+ consortium based on a tool made available by the European Commission: “Tool for calculating the energy efficiency of packages of heaters, water and combination heaters”, developed in an excel spreadsheet.

You can download it here:   

More information about the EU energy labelling and ecodesign requirements for space and water heaters in households can be found in other sections of this Labelpack A+ website or in dedicated section of the European Commission website:

 Source: European Commission

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Information regarding the calculation for solar devices’ target

The calculation of packages including solar devices require two parameters:

  • Annual non-solar heat contribution (Qnonsol)
  • Auxiliary electricity consumption (Qaux)

When not provided by the equipment supplier, these parameters have to be calculated. These can be calculated using the so called “SOLCAL” method. The Labelpack A+ toolsuit incorporates a module for the SOLCAL calculation: SOLCAL online tool

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